Tuesday, December 24


Fatboy Slim is one of those artists that never fails to raise a smile! Eat Sleep Rave Repeat is all about the groove with wicked touch of beats thrown in for good measure.. Don't you just love the groove.

Friday, December 20

Wednesday, December 11

the HIP in the HOP

Rings a bell? Take a trip back in time and experience (or rediscover) my few hip hop favorites on this beautiful "pseudo" Friday morning!                                                                                  
Happy Working!

Monday, December 9


A long long time ago
I can still remember how
That music used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while ~ Don McLean

A happy Monday number, on my ipod :

Friday, December 6

For the Sleepy heads

Today is a big weekend! We’re moving on Friday, so I’m sure we all are feeling a bit chaotic in the process of achieving everything today! Here’s to hoping these tunes make you all work just a little bit faster so you can get outside! I’m really digging these songs at the moment... ( Try sing it out loud infront of the mirror/ under the shower, just try)!
                                                                                                                                                                  Listen + enjoy

Tuesday, December 3

Love Potion

This was in college, when this friend of mine was smitten by the crazy love bug, and the repeated playlist eventually made me " like" the songs. I think I have more memories attached to these than her..I miss.


chodo na mujhe - Rules